Wednesday, May 18, 2005

In Search of The Truth

The sun was slowly setting behind the dunes, immersing the desert in the blush of a newly wed bride…not a grain of sand moved. Silence was at its loudest. Little Dudlum Dungkicker stared at the huge ball of fire in awe. Though it was a natural sight, Little Dudlum, was always moved by it. It was a phenomenon… nothing short of a miracle. Little Dudlum started painting a mental picture of the sunset. It wasn’t long before Little Dudlum realized he had to be on his way. Yes, he had to move on. Seekers like him do not stop to watch. Or to paint. He had to go and find The Truth. Little Dudlum, looked at his shoes, the seventh one was slightly worn out. “Not now, not now!” said Little Dudlum to himself, “I can get them at my next stop”. With one last look at the sun, Little Dudlum started scampering away towards the horizon. In search of The Truth.

 Little Dudlum Dungkicker hails from the sleepy village Boomerangdung, far to the east of Lake MurkyWaters. MurkyWaters is famous among the Easterners for its really dark water, which makes the salamanders taste really crisp. You take the salamanders; boil them for 10 minutes with some dry rossabella leaves and then roast them... Oops, I got carried away. Them salamanders always have this effect on me! 
 So where were we? Ah, now our Little Dudlum was the youngest Dungkicker in this little hamlet. It was a prestigious position. Imagine having to just kick the dung out everyday, for others to pick up. But Little Dudlum wasn’t born a Dungkicker. No Sire, Little Dudlum first started out as a simple CrapStasher. It wasn’t a very attractive job. Day after day, he had to walk around the hamlet, to every Dungkicker’s house and collect the dung they dish out. Little Dudlum, with very sensitive antennae, got tired easily. His CrapStasher’s job did not give him any time to do what he loved best – paint. You see, a CrapStasher’s job isn’t that simple but then Boomerangdung had not seen a more ambitious CrapStasher than our hero. Slowly Little Dudlum passed on his personal stash to his peers. This delegation of CrapStasher’s work, met the approval of the Chief and soon our dear Little Dudlum was a MuleWiper. Little Dudlum was now a Dungkicker himself. 
He still did not find time to paint, as he had to collect dung from the Bigshots and then kick it out for the CrapStashers to collect. 

One lazy morning found Little Dudlum trimming the whiskers on his fourth leg when there was a noise outside and whom should he see coming in? It was none other than Not-so-sane TruthSeeker! The friend whom he had thought was lost to the desert. Swish! Swash! Greetings exchanged. Not-so-sane TruthSeeker was Little Dudlum’s Bumchum BigShot before he set out on his expedition. The ragged look and glazed eyes of his friend moved Little Dudlum so much that he set out on the very same adventure. In Search of Truth. Well we have spent more than enough time on Little Dudlum’s not-so-glamorous past, let’s move on. 

 But where is our hero? There he is! Catching 40 winks right under the Esoplion tree. Now this particular tree is very unique. Legend says that it used to bloom every time someone sat under it. However the Esoplion tree couldn’t keep pace with the growth rate of the Silicon planet. Nowadays, it rarely blooms. It stands as a mute witness to the changes happening around. Little Dudlum looked expectantly at the tree, hoping for a flower to bless him on his way. It was not to be. After days of travel, Little Dudlum finally reached his destination. This was the Land of Mirrors. The Mother of All Answers resides here. So does The Truth. 
Little Dudlum, looked around, enthralled by the spectra unfolding in front of his bespectacled eyes. It was his Life, as Tiny Dudlum, as CrapStasher, MuleWiper… and now as Dungkicker. Little Dudlum walked mesmerized, drinking in the magic world around him. His steps found their way to The Truth. At first Little Dudlum couldn’t believe his eyes. “No! This isn’t the truth! This is not what they told me.” He screamed and ranted. “You are lying! I am in charge of a nobler mission. It’s not what you say it is!” His antennae quivered in anger. The Truth simply stared back at him. Little Dudlum was dumbstruck. “So this is it. No wonder Bumchum looked so dazed. In the end that is all I do. Collect Shit and dish out Balderdash. I am nothing but a muck-raker.”

 Little Dudlum looked around him. “Maybe this expedition wasn’t a good idea after all. I need not have come in Search of The Truth.” He looked back upon his Life one more time. A boyish grin caressed his lips as reality sunk in. The Mirrors smiled back at him. Little Dudlum stood up. He looked at The Truth one last time and made his way to the desert. The Silicon planet was now at its Zenith and he could see the rest of the Universe behind it. There was not much time left. Monday morning ritual of Dungkicking was just a few days away. The Esoplian tree waved its branches, as if beckoning him to sit under it. Little Dudlum walked towards the horizon. 
If he hurried he can watch the sunrise at the other end of the Silicon planet. Yes, now he can watch and paint. Little Dudlum is free… Free to watch, paint about sunsets and sunrises for as long as he wants. No more Dungkicking. The Truth has finally revealed itself. The Sun rose calmly yet majestically from behind the Nadir valley. The desert glowed in a rich golden splendour. Little Dudlum’s spidery hands were moving rapidly over the canvas. The unheard melody of Silence wafted through the air.


Blogger Rathish said...

Brilliant! BRILLIANT!! You really should give to some guy, let him paint the visuals and release it as a book! I am damn serious!

3:58 AM  
Blogger Kumari said...

*blushing, with tears in my eyes*
You know what i did when this comment mail popped up? i ran my fingers over those words to make sure they are real...I love you Daddykins! i just do :)

Thanks a tonne!

psst: do you know anyone who would help with publishing? ;-)

4:08 AM  
Blogger Vignesh said...

Lady K, that was well and truly, a fable for our times. A permanent link somewhere is what this needs.

4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very good story PonC! Very true in many cases. Now I can't go back and find a bank clerk job. ;)

2:12 PM  
Blogger Sagnik Nandy said...

i'll quote a great man "Brilliant! BRILLIANT!! You really should give to some guy, let him paint the visuals and release it as a book! I am damn serious!" :)

I seriously wish that this is part of a bigger story because such characters and names (boy, are they original) deserve a longer life span. Bravo woman.

P.S. I've heard the name Bumchum before; one of my wingies was so named due courtesy the company whose shorts he endorsed :)

7:05 PM  
Blogger Sagnik Nandy said...

ok i saw the comment after it was published and figured that when i replaced "due to" with "courtesy", i left a drop of the "due". Ignore it :)

7:07 PM  
Blogger Kumari said...

@All: Thank you ...thank you so much *bow*. Never did i realise that a story my Appa detests so much will actually receive such a welcome ;-)
@Sagnik: Guess what! i too used Bumchum coz of my Bengali sidie in 3rd year :)
@Vital: How true! That's precisely what i do :p
@Vignesh: Hmm...if i do get a publisher then it would be a permanent fixture in your better be ;-)

@Somu: Don't you dare get a bank clerk job...i need you to earn in Dollars for moi :p

10:07 PM  
Blogger Primalsoup said...

Am not feeling too bright on a Sunday night, after spending weekend watching people wash clothes! And at the risk of sounding somewhat lame, this is a really imaginative piece you have written... very very nice! :)

11:11 AM  
Blogger Kumari said...

@primalsoup: Thank you so much :)..for spending a Sunday nite reading this story when you could be watching the OScars :)

10:04 PM  
Blogger Sagnik Nandy said...

A throng of agitated peopel shouting outside a tech firm in Chennai, echoing in unison - "Blog more, blog more, blog ....."

4:16 AM  
Blogger Whoiscb said...


6:44 AM  

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