Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Tall, The Pretty and The Little

This is not about The Son.
And it is not about his not-so-little Dad either.
Believe it or not, it is not about his oh-so-pretty mom too.
This is all about me. Just me. So where do they fit in?
We work for the same employer and there the similarity ends.


It was a sweltering summer afternoon
As I stood awaiting my boon
Food in FC is hard to get
If you don’t run and sweat
And get your place in queue by noon.

As I bid my time, I decided to stare
At every passing pair
But when they walked in and stood
I stared a second longer than I should
Coz they had smiles beyond compare.

He stood as tall as half a palm tree
And did not smile at everyone for free
You need to be his wife or his best pal
Or a gutsy gal
To corner him and force him to agree

Little did she know she made my day
When she called on him sitting in our bay
With a lovely smile the mom-to-be
Made me as happy as can be
But alas! They never looked my way!

I decided to push my buck
As I no longer wanted to be the sitting duck
Awaiting the King & Queen to see me from a mile
And bestow me with their million-dollar smile
But was it a good idea to kidnap Ms.Luck?

I met the maiden fair
Climbing down the stair
Crossed my fingers and gave a grin
She smiled back; I did win!
Aha! Now His turn- Do I dare?

I met him at the door
Since then he stares at the floor
- His attempt to ignore me.
Phew! When will he ever see
That I am not a bore???

Now they are a Happy Trio
With a little one to dirty the patio
And I am here penning rhymes
To make them smile at strangers a few more times
As they go on a drive in their family Scorpio!

** Thanks to Manibushan & Preethi for their picture-perfect smiles.
*** And to Father Time for those moments stolen.


Blogger Jax said...

The first few lines of the poem sent me on a nostalgia trip back to foodcourt,queuing up at Ammu's even before they open the counter,not because the food was good, but the crowd after 12 noon is unbearable! Those were the days! Sniff...

11:26 AM  
Blogger Kumari said...

Tell me about it! I bring food from home nowadays but i still have to rush b4 12 if i want to sit and have my lunch in peace without any jostling.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Preethi said...

Was browsing through the net and found this.. had me laughing.. I know I have read it before.. lovely poetry.. I think I am gonna steal it.. but will be sure to give you credit!!

5:02 PM  

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