'Shrew'd Mother Boo
Very fair
With curly hair
Girl with brains rare
A Stage actress beyond compare
For her friends she does care
1998 August
Room No: 511, Meera Bhawan, BITS, Pilani.
There was a Tamil speaking girl who made me really comfortable coz i couldn't speak Hindi for nuts. But the third occupant of the room made me wary...she definitely looked foreign and spoke a language i couldn't make sense, there was this 'Royal' aura around her but what was really scary was 'she knew Seniors'! -- Seniors who sauntered in to inquire about her comfort and in the process ragged me and Vidhya( the Tamil girl).
A slight detour while we reminisce...
Diba, that's my Persian Royalty, joined the English Drama Club while i walked despondently towards Pilani Tamil Mandram. Despondent becoz the EDC folks said that i was good at acting but had a very weak voice for stage. While i waited for my audition slot, this Tall, Huge dude walked towards me.
"What's your name?"
"Pon.Chidambarakumari, Sir"
"Do you read books?"
"Yes, Sir"
"Who is your favourite author and what is your fave book?"
"Ayn Rand and her Fountainhead."
Eyebrows were raised. Smiles exchanged. W acknowledged me as a 'different' junior.
[Thank Heavens EDC rejected me coz i made it into PTM :)]
1998 September
Room No: 511, Meera Bhawan, BITS, Pilani.
For the past one week, Diba had been living with the "Physical Chemistry" book. The first test was just around the corner. Of course i had better things to do like figure out if Dagny and John did finally get together or not.
Damn why did Ayn Rand write such huge books?
Two days before test.
I was lying on my back with Atlas Shrugged held high above n trying to make sense of John Galt's "A is A" speech when a face comes into view, tho' upside down.
"Err Kumari don't you think it is high time you studied?"
I blinked at her. Sat up in bed.
"It's just two more days and I haven't seen you open your book at all."
Jeez! Where did this girl land up from? But i still decided to give in. Having seen to it that i lock( yeah she made me do that) my book inside my wardrobe, she went back to her "Studying".
With that conversation, started one of my wonderful relationships...a friendship which has braved the storms and enjoyed the peace..of more late-night 'tuitions' than my pea-sized brain could handle, of black coffee & lime tea ...
Where the streets had no names, we did make our own...
P.S: Guess what was that infernal test scores? I made a wonderful 3.5 for all the hard work i never did and Diba? 2.5! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry :p One look at her face and i settled for neither :-D
P.S of P.S: She maxed the subsequent tests while i gave company to the other bottom-rungers!